Membership Benefits & Types
As an Сºìñֱ²¥ member, you enjoy robust professional development, award-winning periodicals, peer networking and access to countless opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. As the only national organization serving the school counseling profession, Сºìñֱ²¥ creates and maintains professional standards and serves as the voice of the profession. As a member of Сºìñֱ²¥, you join tens of thousands of other school counselors who share a common vision to ensure success for all students. .
Member Benefits
Сºìñֱ²¥ members receive liability insurance, discounts on publications and professional development and much more. To download a member ID card, login and then click on “My Сºìñֱ²¥,” then “My Profile” for a link to print your membership card on the “Overview" tab.
Award-Winning Periodicals: Сºìñֱ²¥ School Counselor, delivered in print to members bimonthly, offers practical advice, tips and tools addressing the issues school counselors face every day ($90 value). Professional School Counseling, Сºìñֱ²¥’s fully digital, peer-reviewed journal advances the profession with manuscripts introducing techniques and evidence-based practices, as well as school counselor theories and concepts ($129 value).
Сºìñֱ²¥ publishes a wide range of books and other publications targeting areas such as school violence, comprehensive school counseling programs, career counseling, social development and more. Members enjoy discounted rates on all Сºìñֱ²¥ books, including the Сºìñֱ²¥ National Model.
Professional Development: Participating in regular, certified professional development opportunities is essential to school counselors’ continued growth and competency. In addition to the annual conference, webinars, town halls, and local workshops, Сºìñֱ²¥ also partners with other organizations to offer members training in areas such as ethics, career counseling and more.
Liability insurance: All professional and student Сºìñֱ²¥ members are automatically covered for $1 million in excess professional liability coverage at no additional cost. Note that coverage is available only for W-2 employed educators working in a U.S.-based school. Contract employees are not eligible for coverage. Learn more.
Affinity Groups: Сºìñֱ²¥ Affinity Groups are small communities of members who share a similar area of interest or identity. Affinity Group members enjoy opportunities to discuss shared challenges, brainstorm solutions, identify valuable resources and network with like-minded peers. Learn more.
MApp: The Сºìñֱ²¥ National Model App (MApp), exclusively for Сºìñֱ²¥ members, puts your school counseling program at the tip of your fingers, allowing you to track time, share results and more from your mobile device, wherever you are.
Сºìñֱ²¥’s online community connects you with other school counselors to share ideas, network, and more. Members are automatically added to the Open Forum community and are invited to join other communities specific to grade level or interest. In the Member Community library, you’ll find member-curated content, including everything from student check-in templates to career readiness lessons. The Member Community is also your gateway to connect directly with a member you met at a training, at the or elsewhere in your city or state. Network with and learn from other school counselors 24/7.
Сºìñֱ²¥ Aspects: The monthly e-newsletter, Сºìñֱ²¥ Aspects keeps members on top of new Сºìñֱ²¥ programs and resources, as well as new research, tools, and developments in the school counseling field.
Member Logo: As an Сºìñֱ²¥ member, you can use the Сºìñֱ²¥ MEMBER logo on your business cards, website, letterhead, etc. (Note, the Сºìñֱ²¥ MEMBER logo may only be used by professional, student and retired members and may not be used in any for-profit advertising or marketing materials.)
Membership Types
Professional Membership – $129
School counseling professionals who hold a master’s degree or higher in school counseling or the substantial equivalent and are employed as school counselors; supervisors of school counselors or school counseling at the school, district or state level; or professors of counseling in a graduate program that prepares school counselors are eligible for Professional membership. This is a voting membership type.
Retired Membership – $69

Professional members in retirement are eligible for retired membership. This is a voting membership type. It does not include member liability insurance.
Student Membership – $69
Students enrolled in a master’s level program that prepares school counselors are eligible for student membership. This is a nonvoting membership type. (Doctoral students who meet the requirements for Professional membership may join in that category; otherwise, see Affiliate category.)
Affiliate Membership – $129

Individuals interested in school counseling, who are not eligible for any other type of membership, may become affiliate members. This is a nonvoting category.